
Tybalt Dies

           I have learned that Romeo has killed my cousin Tybalt!  My heart is broken!  My only love has killed my loving cousin Tybalt.  What man does this to their wife.  He has hurt me so.  He has portrayed a loving man, but he has killed my cousin! He's a disguised devil! That's what he is!  I've kissed the man who killed my cousin.  Wait, what am I saying?  I am speaking ill of my husband.  He's not born to shame, he's my husband.  I can't leave him.  The nurse has also told me Romeo is banished!  What shall I do? My only love banished and my cousin dead.  These woes ache my heart.  I must see him before he leaves Verona.
        I me, my heart aches for Romeo and my poor dear cousin Tybalt.  What shall I do now that Romeo is banished?  I have no reason to wake in the morning or evening rise out of bed.  These tears that fall from my face are from the death of my cousin and my love.  I know not what to do any more.  I have no options.  My heart is torn to the thought of not having Romeo with me.  This is a dream that I can't wake from!  It's awful to even imagine being with someone else besides my Romeo.  What must I do!
         This is bad.  The worse news that I have ever received from any other person.  He's my love so what should happen to me now? Our last days together will forever live in my heart.  I love Romeo and I love Tybalt.  There's no way this can be true.  What will Romeo do in any other place except Verona!  He sees nothing else.  His family is here, I am here!  Will he fall in love with someone else?  Will he marry again?  I can't think things like this.  I have to see my Romeo.

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