
Juliet's mother proposing marriage.

        As my Romeo leaves, my lady mother calls for me.  She and the nurse curse me with horride news.  My father has planned a wedding on THURSDAY!  Tis Tuesday and I am suppose to marry on Thursday to Paris!  Why does my mother force me to marry Paris.  I've told them that I wish not to marry him and they continue to ask.  My father told me that if I don't, then he will disown me as a child and send me out to live on the streets.  I can't marry Paris, for I'm already married to Romeo and that will be a great sin. 
         My heart doesn't know what to think, or what to do.  I don't want to marry Paris.  I have already gave my word to be faithful, honest, loving, and caring.  There's no way it can happen.  My Romeo's heart would break if he learned such news.  When I looked for the nurse to help me, she made things even worse, because she thinks that I should forget that I was married, ask the friar for forgiveness of my sins,  and to marry Paris.  Just because he looks better.
         What can I do about this siuation?  There's no one I can talk to because the nurse has suggested that I  marry him.  My own father will disown me if I dont' marry this man.  I know what to do, I will fake like I agree to marry Paris, and I will go to the friar for help.  He always has helped me with bad situations like this.  He has to help me.

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