
Sunday night, after the ball

     Tis, Sunday night after the ball is over, I saw him again!  He held my hands so gently, I could feel my heart racing.  He kissed my lips so softly, and just like that I was in love.  We were only together for a moment.  As he left I got the nurse to ask his name, and what family he came from.  Thy nurse came back with horrible news.  His name is Romeo, and he is a Montague.
      My god , why does he have to be a Montague.  He has to be born from a Montague family.  That was the reason why my cousin Tybalt was so angry, because a Montague was at our ball.  My heart dropped when the nurse explained those dreadful words.  What shall I do?  My family would disown me if I ever loved a Montague.  My heart desires Romeo, and I cant stay away from him.  He makes me feel complete with love and hope.  His voice warms my heart with love. 
        I will see that I see him again.  My heart longs for it.  Just his touch, or the sound of his voice makes me smile.  Laying in bed I think of him.  Why does he have to be a Monatgue? If he were a Capulet we could be married and live a wonderful life.  I wonder what will happen with the both of our lives.  Will we be together?  Or will we have to hide our love?                                 


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