
Capulet's Ball

         Tis Sunday night, and the Capulet ball is exciting.  We've just finished our traditional dance.  I'm very tired.  My cousin Tybalt has spotted a Montague.  He's very outraged, I me, my poor cousin has always had such rage.  During our dance, I've spotted a very handsome man, we danced together, and tis was beautiful.  But I wasn't able to see thy eyes.  For they were covered with a mask.
          I would surely love to see this man again.  My wish is to see him again before the ball is over.  He's such a handsome man.  While we danced, his eyes caught my eyes, and I was in heaven.  My heart skipped a beat and I knew he was special.  Twas my first time seeing this man, but it felt like he's been here all along.  I must tell the nurse.
         What if this man becomes my husband!  Ohh my mother will die.  She wishes that I marry Paris, but I won't do it.  The nurse will understand.  She always does. I noticed that he wore blue.  Well maybe it was just a costume.  If only I can lay eyes on him once more.

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