
The Marriage Monday morning

      Tis Monday morning, and the Friar has agreed to marry us.  When the nurse came to me confirming that we will be getting married, I was overwhelmed with joy.  I would've never thought in all my days that I would marry Romeo, let alone, him being a Montague.  The Friar is a very good man for doing this for us.  He gives wonderful advice to us.  Today, we were officially announced as man and wife.  I promise to love and cherish my Romeo.  
         Laying in my bed knowing that I'm going to be with Romeo makes me more than happy.  The nurse was very happy for us.  She says he's a good man for me.  I knew she would understand.  I dare not tell thy mother or father of my actions.  I couldn't show my face again.  Ohh, I wish to see my love again.  To hold him again and kiss his lips.  Come and rescue me my Romeo!  I wonder if my Romeo is thinking of me now, or what he is doing.
          Our future together will be bright.  We will be happily married and together forever.  Once our family has seen that we're happy together my wish is that they will allow us be be together and not disown us.  Why couldn't they be happy for us?  Why can't they be happy that we're happy?  We love each other and we want to be together.

Sunday Night planning the marriage

        My Romeo!   He has come to my house and over heard the words that I spoke of him!  He told me that he loves me.  Oh how I feel the same way about him.  I wish to be with no one else.  He brings light to world and joy to thy heart. I asked him to marry me!  There's no other person in Verona that I wish to be with.  He agreed to marry me tomorrow in the Friar's cell Monday morning at 9:00.  Tis only Sunday , and we're already planning our wedding!  The day can't come any faster.  I must inform the nurse of our plans.
         I am very grateful of Romeo.  I'm also excited and hopeful for our future together.  Curious enough to know what my mother and father will think of this.  My mother will be heartbroken to see that I have married a Montague.  Love has no boundaries.  Romeo is my love and I will marry him.  He makes me happy and she should understand that.  
        I have hope and faith that Romeo and I will be happy together and sooner or later my family and his family will understand that we love each other.  I have no thought of any bad outcome.  I wish not to think of anything negative that could result in this.  I love Romeo Montague and he loves me as well. 

Tybalt Dies

           I have learned that Romeo has killed my cousin Tybalt!  My heart is broken!  My only love has killed my loving cousin Tybalt.  What man does this to their wife.  He has hurt me so.  He has portrayed a loving man, but he has killed my cousin! He's a disguised devil! That's what he is!  I've kissed the man who killed my cousin.  Wait, what am I saying?  I am speaking ill of my husband.  He's not born to shame, he's my husband.  I can't leave him.  The nurse has also told me Romeo is banished!  What shall I do? My only love banished and my cousin dead.  These woes ache my heart.  I must see him before he leaves Verona.
        I me, my heart aches for Romeo and my poor dear cousin Tybalt.  What shall I do now that Romeo is banished?  I have no reason to wake in the morning or evening rise out of bed.  These tears that fall from my face are from the death of my cousin and my love.  I know not what to do any more.  I have no options.  My heart is torn to the thought of not having Romeo with me.  This is a dream that I can't wake from!  It's awful to even imagine being with someone else besides my Romeo.  What must I do!
         This is bad.  The worse news that I have ever received from any other person.  He's my love so what should happen to me now? Our last days together will forever live in my heart.  I love Romeo and I love Tybalt.  There's no way this can be true.  What will Romeo do in any other place except Verona!  He sees nothing else.  His family is here, I am here!  Will he fall in love with someone else?  Will he marry again?  I can't think things like this.  I have to see my Romeo.

Juliet's mother proposing marriage.

        As my Romeo leaves, my lady mother calls for me.  She and the nurse curse me with horride news.  My father has planned a wedding on THURSDAY!  Tis Tuesday and I am suppose to marry on Thursday to Paris!  Why does my mother force me to marry Paris.  I've told them that I wish not to marry him and they continue to ask.  My father told me that if I don't, then he will disown me as a child and send me out to live on the streets.  I can't marry Paris, for I'm already married to Romeo and that will be a great sin. 
         My heart doesn't know what to think, or what to do.  I don't want to marry Paris.  I have already gave my word to be faithful, honest, loving, and caring.  There's no way it can happen.  My Romeo's heart would break if he learned such news.  When I looked for the nurse to help me, she made things even worse, because she thinks that I should forget that I was married, ask the friar for forgiveness of my sins,  and to marry Paris.  Just because he looks better.
         What can I do about this siuation?  There's no one I can talk to because the nurse has suggested that I  marry him.  My own father will disown me if I dont' marry this man.  I know what to do, I will fake like I agree to marry Paris, and I will go to the friar for help.  He always has helped me with bad situations like this.  He has to help me.


       My Romeo! Oh my Romeo!  He's dead.  He is DEAD!  When I woke from my sleep I see Romeo on the floor beside me dead.  In his hands he has a bottle.  How could he have killed hisself?  I kissed thy lips and nothing left for me.  He has left me nothing to kill myself with.  I will not live without Romeo.  This wasn't suppose to happen.  The dagger, I see the dagger and I now know what I have to do.  The friar is begging me to leave but I can't.  I can't leave him her all alone.  The sharp dagger goes through my body and I feel relieved.  I am now with Romeo forever.
      Our actions have greatly dishonered our families, but we're together now.  We have made sacrifices for each other and it was all worth it.  My love for Romeo still lives and I wouldn't have it any other way.  My wish is for our families to be cival with each other since so many people have died from this.  Romeo and I love each other and they should be happy for us.  I feel relieved laying in the tomb knowing that Romeo is near me.  We comfort each other.  He's my love and I will love him forever.
         I hope and pray that my wish will soon come true.  That our families will be able to walk on the same streets and it won't be any aruging or bickering.  We all have one thing in common.  We've both lost family memebers that we love so greatly.  That should bring us closer together rather than apart. 

Drinking the potion,

As I lay in the tomb next to my cousin Tybalt, I think of what I have done.  A few hours ago, after my mother told me that I would be marring Paris, I went to the Friar and begged for him to give me a solution.  He told me to take a potion that makes me sleep for two days.  It would make me look dead!  Can you believe it!  Now I will be able to skip my wedding.    When those two days are over, Romeo will be by the tomb waiting till I wake to take me back to Mantua with him.  Tis the perfect idea.  I will be able to skip my wedding with Paris.  The friar is going to send a letter to Romeo telling him the plan.
         I remember before taking the potion, everything was going through my mind, and I thought that the friar was trying to really kill me.  Also, I thought that maybe Romeo wouldn't be there in time and I would be left there to die.  The thought of Tybalt hauting me came to my thoughts also.  I had to think to myself that everything will turn out good.  Nothings going to keep me from Romeo.  We are meant to be together. 
         My actions today are very rare, because I would never disobey my family the way that I have.  Love has done something to me and I just can't stay away from Romeo.  He completes me.  As I sleep I pray and think of a beautiful life with Romeo in Mantua.  I greatly appreciate the friar for his help in everything.  He's the reason why I'll be able to see Romeo again. 


Romeo comes to see Juliet for the last time.

        My Romeo is here at my house for the last time before he has to leave Verona.  Tis my only love and he has to leave me.  My heart cries for his banishment.  Thy will forever be lonely without my Romeo here with me. 
         What will I do when I wake and see Romeo not beside me, or know that I will never see his beautiful face again?  How could they banish him.  My soul weeps for my cousin Tybalt and my husband.  This all feels like an awful dream that I can't awake from.  There must be something that we can do about this, because I am lost without Romeo.  When Romeo had to leave, it broke my heart to pieces.  Tis may be the last time I lay eyes on him.
          What shall we do to fix this problem?  Maybe the Prince will change his mind and let Romeo come back to stay.  Everything isn't Romeo's fault.  I should go and beg the Prince to forgive Romeo for his actions and let him come back to Verona.  Verona is all he knows, and now he's being forced to leave, or stay and have to pay with his life.  The world can be so cruel sometimes.